5 Tips for a Successful First Week of Classes

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The first week of classes sets a precedent for the semester. A lot of students fail to realize that a good number of mistakes made during the semester, could have been avoided with proper planning. The faster you switch from summer mode to school mode, the more it will favor you. Here are some crucial things to pay attention to during the first week of classes:

1. Create a comprehensive schedule

This is definitely the first thing you need to settle during the first week of classes. Make sure to carefully create your schedule in a way that fits you the best. Attend all your classes the first week and determine whether or not you want to remain in the class. If it’s an elective, you probably have the option to drop the class and choose a different one. Speak to your academic advisor about your class choices if you haven’t already.

When creating your schedule, list everything else you plan to do during the day. This will reduce the chances of any conflict. A lot of times, students underestimate how long it takes to get to class. Pay attention to this detail and note it during your first week. If you need to take a bus to get to class, make sure to understand the bus schedule and confirm that it goes on time. You don’t want to find out later in the semester that the bus schedule isn’t what you initially thought. Add free time, work and any other commitments to the schedule so that you can accurately estimate how your days will be.


2. Become an expert on all important times, days and locations

After you’ve finalized your schedule, mark all important dates on your calendar. Make sure to account for every midterm, final and project due date. This way you don’t have to search the syllabus each time you want to find out a due date. If you truly want to succeed, procrastination needs to be a thing of the past in your life. A lot of times, it’s possible to do the work the night before, but honestly, the stress is just not worth it.  Make sure to put all of this in your planner during the first week of classes. You also need to note the times and locations of office hours. Find out more about why office hours are important.


3. Hold off on buying class materials

It’s a known fact that college textbooks are very expensive. The last thing you want to do is buy a textbook the first week of classes and find out that it’s not necessary for the class. I would advise to hold off on buying textbooks until the 3rd week of classes. By then, you would have a better feel of the need. Some classes have Powerpoints that are enough to use to get by. If you find out that you need to buy textbooks, make sure to first try to buy from upperclassmen. The bookstore should be your last resort as it is the expensive option.  If you can’t buy directly from someone, try getting a used book online.

Here are some sites with cheaper books;


4. Set specific expectations

Almost every student aims to get all As during the semester, but a few actually take the time out to plan how to get that goal. Setting realistic expectations for the semester is the best way to ensure that you can reach & surpass your goals. Make sure your goals are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound). Look at the breakdown of points in each class to determine the specific scores you need to get on each test or paper to get to your goal. Allocate specific times on your schedule to studying and keep yourself accountable.


 5. A healthy body leads to a healthy mind

I honestly wished I paid more attention to this when I was in college. Living off cafeteria food is honestly a struggle, so you have to figure out best tactics to work around that without spending too much money. Instead of having candy and chocolate in your dorm room, try substituting with fruits. Your body will thank you later. If you’re lucky enough to live in a place that has a kitchen, take time out to make healthy meals and not just Ramen.

Working out while in college doesn’t have to be tedious and expensive. If you’re not a fan of the gym, you could always commit to taking regular walks or runs outside. I would personally rather bike in the gym, but if you’re up for it, you can rent bikes and ride around the city with your friends. Dancing is also a way to stay fit, so use this as a reason to party during the weekend!


The first week of classes can be overwhelming. Transitioning from summer to school mode can be tough. Even if you don’t start the semester on a high note, it’s never too late to get yourself back on track. Your main focus should be to get good grades, network and exposure while having fun. Goodluck in your semester!


Oke created okeventures as a travel and career blog dedicated to providing young professional tips and guides to living their best lives.

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